
With LinkedIn.

Use your LinkedIn profile as your digital resume and business card. Create opportunities to achieve your career goals.

LinkedIn can be a great online tool for your personal branding. It makes networking a lot easier.



Valérie helped me tremendously set my career goals and navigate which path I would like to take in the future. Her coaching style is very warm and friendly yet effective and efficient. She equipped me with amazing decision-making tools which I used on a regular basis. Thank you, Valérie. If you need help with your moving forward in your career I highly recommend Valérie.


Maximize your opportunities

You probably have a LinkedIn account and you have been encouraged to use this account during studies or your job. You see a lot of people post success stories, share valuable experiences or motivational quotes. It can be inspiring to read this posts but also a bit overwhelming.

How do you use it yourself? And is there a way to optimize your LinkedIn without losing who you are. A question we often get, “I would like to use LinkedIn but I do not want to brag. What do I post?”

Especially when you are interested in new job opportunities, LinkedIn could be a great tool to help you explore your options. It is one of the largest career networks used in The Netherlands. And when you are interested in networking, seizing sales opportunities it can be a great platform as well. 

Whatever the goal is, we will help you to optimize your profile and work on your personal branding. An ideal profile is easy to read, clear and highlights your competences, ambitions and personality. The next step is figuring out how you can use LinkedIn as a tool to achieve your goals. There is not one way, we help you find a way that fits who you are and makes you feel comfortable. In the end, it is your profile and your choices. 

Send us a message via the contact form below. We offer coaching sessions to work on your online presence together. We will give you tools, tips and professional feedback with your career goals in mind.

When you need feedback fast, we also offer an option to request written feedback. We offer you a tailor-made list of opportunities to improve your profile.


Fill in the form and we contact you within 24 hours. Looking forward to speaking with you soon!