Assessments can be part of a job application. Not only is it important to prepare for an assessment, the conversation about the assesment report could be considered as an interview too.
Dive into the results and use these to highlight your strengths and discover what the company is looking for and if the company is the right match for you.
Valérie’s precise but warm coaching questions made all the difference during my job interviews for a senior role. With just a week notice, Valérie built space in her busy agenda and was able to use her extensive experience in recruitment – which includes blue chip companies – to spot subtle details and anticipate questions which came up in such interviews. You can trust her to help you to be clear and confident when showing the value you can bring to a new team and company.
You have applied for a job or you have done a few interviews already, and you are invited for an assessment. Whether it is online or in person, it could make you nervous since it is difficult to prepare. It feels like an exam but at the same time it is also a lot about who you are as a professional.
Companies use this tool to figure out if you are the ‘right’ match for the role and the company. They would like to learn a bit more about you as a professional. Questionnaires and tests give them insight into your intellectual qualities, your personal characteristics, your interests, and (possibly) management qualities and potential derailment risks.
So how do you prepare for the assessment and most important, how do you prepare for the conversation after the assessment that will deep dive into your results?
Online you can find a lot of material and tests to practice your skills with regards to IQ-tests. Even though Recruiters often say you cannot prepare an assesment since they want to know how you perform on the spot, we would definitely recommend to practice different ability / intelligence tests. For example you need to recognise image patterns, understand relationships between words or use your numerical insight. Get familiar with the way questions are formulated and the answers that are expected. It is not something you encounter on a daily basis, so ensure that you are back in that “assessment-mode”.
With regards to the questionnaires about your personality, it is most important to prepare for the conversation based on your results. Even though it is good to know beforehand what kind of qualities are needed for the role, these questionnaires work best when you use your gut feeling. We support you in using your results into your advantage the STARR-way. STARR is an interview method that most companies and public entities use during the interview process.
Send us a message via the contact form below and we support you in performing at your best during the interview process. Learn more about yourself and tackle possible interview questions. In the coaching sessions we will give you tools, tips and detailed professional feedback and use our 10+ years of recruitment experience.