
With more

A career that fits your personality, competences and ambitions leads to more positive energy and happiness.

We will support you in figuring out what gives you joy, wellbeing and happiness.



Valérie helped me make crucial choices in my career. She is very result oriented and has at the same time a warm and open personality.

By asking the right questions she guides you in a natural way to the best decision and it almost feels as if you came to the conclusions all by yourself.

I would recommend Valérie to anyone who looks for guidance in their career or just wants a sanity check.


roadmap to more Happiness

Have you ever had that feeling that you are not sure how you ended up in your job? Every day you open your laptop, the ratrace starts and somehow it is so difficult to get yourself motivated. You cannot wait until the weekend to be free again!

Work is work, and there are a lot of reasons to work. But wouldn’t it be great when work can also give you fun, time, fulfillment or energy? The problem is that staying too long in a job that does not give you energy, could lead to health issues. You spend so many hours working in life, why not spend this time on a job that allows you to contribute to something that you find important.

We support you in finding a job and working environment that brings you positive energy. Together we will brainstorm on three topics: 

  • Your personality
  • Your talents
  • Your ambitions

The questions seem very simple, but the answers are unique for every professional. This will be the beginning of your journey. Together we will design your ideal job and working environment. At the end of the sessions you will have your own roadmap towards more energy and happiness. 

Send us a message via the contact form below and get to know yourself better. Taking time and reflect on your life, is essential to move forward and get the life you want. We offer coaching sessions that can be bought in a package or separate whenever you need them. We provide assignments in between sessions to ensure you take steps and see results fast. 


Fill in the form and we contact you within 24 hours. Looking forward to speaking with you soon!